
Routine Appointment

You can check our opening times and appointment hours on our Surgery Hours page.

To book an appointment, call 020 3817 4431.

We offer telephone consultations (where the doctor calls you) and face-to-face appointments (where you visit the doctor in person).

If you're not sure what type of appointment you need, call us at 020 3817 4431, and we’ll help you.


Urgent Appointment

To book an appointment, call 020 3817 4431.

We offer telephone consultations (where the doctor calls you) and face-to-face appointments (where you visit the doctor in person).

If you're not sure what type of appointment you need, call us at 020 3817 4431, and we’ll help you.

'Urgent'/same day appointments, which are either face to face or telephone, are bookable on the day.

Please keep your mobile available so you do not miss your telephone appointment.

The NHS App

Signing up to online access will give you the option of being able to book appointments online, requesting medication and accessing your medical records.


This can be done through the NHS app and your ID checks will be done online, please see the images below for the play store and apple store.


Please have a look at some of the following short videos :


Accessing your GP health record


How to order repeat prescriptions


The health A-Z


All your family records in one place


Home Visits

Routine or emergency home visits are available for those who are houebound.  Please telephone before 10:00am where possible so that the doctors can organise their day.


A doctor can see three patients at the surgery in the time it takes to do a home visit.  90% of our home visits are made to the elderly.

You can ask to have someone with you during your appointment, check-up, or procedure if it makes you feel more comfortable. This person is called a chaperone, and it’s usually a nurse. The doctor might also ask for a nurse to be there. If you want a chaperone, please let us know before your appointment so we can arrange it.


If you need an interpreter to help you understand and talk to your doctor, tell the receptionist, and they will arrange this for you.

Evening and Weekend Appointments

We are here for you evening and weekends and we want to make it easier for you to get an appointment at a time that suits you. Evening and weekend appointments are available for our patients, in addition to our normal opening hours.

These evening and weekend appointments may take place by phone, video, or face-to-face depending on your clinical need.

You may be offered an appointment at your GP practice, another local GP practice or another local NHS service.  This is because we are working with other local GP practices to provide these appointments. Our practice is part of a small group of practices called a Primary Care Network. This group of practices works together in a number of ways.

To book an appointment

Contact your GP practice in the usual way (by phone or online or in person) to request an appointment. If your practice is closed and you need support, please contact NHS 111 (by phone or online:

Cancel an Appointment

If you can’t make your appointment, please tell the reception team. This helps us offer the slot to someone else.

If you don’t let us know, you will get a letter reminding you that you missed your appointment. If this happens many times, you might be removed from our patient list.

You can cancel your appointment by:

  • use our Check and Cancel option on 0203 817 4431, option 1
  • Sending a text message to cancel.

Thank you for helping us keep our appointments running smoothly!